MTR iPhone Painting

Dropped off my son at school and then got on the train to head home. Missed my stop because I started painting on my iPhone. It was going well so I decided to just stay on the train and paint till the end of the line. Just sat there on the train for about three hours until he was out of school and the painting was done.

train Artrage iphone painting

On the Ma On Shan Line in Hong Kong

water fall

Water hop Pencil Test

Its been a while since I’ve posted any animation. Sat down the other day, opened up TVPaint and then just started drawing. No game plan. I had a loose idea in my head and just improved this straight ahead animation.

I forgot how much fun it is to animate water. To clarify the action I added a quick tint pass so you can better see the elements.

Flood Land

Having spent the good part of the last two months drawing on a small portable tablet I was excited to return home and dust off my Cintiq. Worked on this on and off throughout the day. Digital oil, painted with Artrage 4.

waste land

Wakefield and Aiya find their way to a flooded land

Vineyard gouache

Last painting at the family vineyard before packing up and heading to Hong Kong. Random fact, I crashed my brother’s motorcycle on this very spot when I was fourteen. Good times.

vineyard gouache

Painting in the Family vineyards.


Another sketchbook takes its place on the shelf

Victory! Another sketchbook takes its place on the shelf. This one took far too long to draw. It was actually overtaken by two smaller ones. I made the mistake of going detailed on the first page. This doomed me ’cause I had to hold the same quality through to the end. Yes, some of the drawings are from a story i’m working on but they are exploratory and no the caterpillar has nothing to do with it.

alexander valley

En plein air

It’s nice to be home in Alexander Valley. The smell of the dry summer grass is intoxicating. I could hike in the hills all day and never tire. My time here is limited though. The clock winds down. Now I’m trying to paint as much as I can before returning to Hong Kong. I’ll be gone soon and once more home will just be a distant memory. How many paintings can I do before returning to the humid jungle? It’s a race now. I must try to hold on to the smell of dry harvest winds a little longer.

cry creek bridge

The old Lambert Bridge, in Dry Creek Valley. Not Far from Healdsburg Ca

vineyard hills view

In the hills behind Robert Young Estate Winery. There is a shed there where we store old crates and things. We call it the dump.

alexander valley

Behind my grandfathers house, looking northwest across the gravel driveway. There is an old valley oak there.