For some reason I kept misplacing this sketchbook. It went missing for weeks and just recently resurfaced uper my car seat. This is from early 2015. I started it in Hong Kong while on holiday and finished it some time in the summer. Would have been sooner but as I mentioned before it kept disappearing. Luckily it resurfaced long enough for me to scan it. Enjoy.
aliens and punks creature exploration I was watching Agony and the ecstasy again sitting at a cafe with my son, Not the best way to start a book falling down fogbelt roots logo A rail car Giant Tuna cut with a katana for New Years in Hong Kong Hipster golf Drawing birds at the aviary in Hong Kong. probosciger aterrimus ice skating with the boys, four wheelers and fly fishing move along. nothing to see here Jungle lab Pirates and a wedding day warrior Land striders Soccer and cats Space suit and chopper with little alien creatures superman gets the bad guy old time air planes and folk tree brush pen study Cover of the Black Spot sketchbook by Sterling Sheehy, early 2015 the wrath of the goddess tough guy and his cats Rudie and Wiley girl in a puffy skirt and a house outline Reading Treasure island to the boys Tree branches and nudes Urban Camping, exploring the wonders of the inner city Villains alien pets alien bird creatures