Sketchbook Circa 2004 Posted 2013/10/16 by Sterling This sketchbook spans 2003-2004. I was finishing my MFA in animation at USC and beginning work at Vanguard Animation when this was drawn. The book covers a huge range of subjects and styles. I was really all over the place with this one. peace pipe dreamexplorationsnude mannudefigure drawinggirl and guycat cartoondrawing partybig handroomand a girltextparadise foundbike and boardsurfingsurfing ink drawingstory ideaback side wave drawingboardsfruit fly dudesblue inkbuddiescharacteruglyrocky worldtreehamearly thoughtssurfersurfing drawingalien dog walkeralien homethesis film designcub scouuts designspet kidship designshelp mestrange placeon the beachcollectedcharacter designalienscomicgood dayscouutsLA scoutscharacter designpet boypet kidthesis designloose thoughtsthesis class drawing 9-11usc classmatefaded pencilreligioninline skating stairssurfing drawingwayward boardscowboyink doddlesheadssidewalkhandsinside covercover Share this:EmailFacebookLinkedInTwitterPinterest