New sketchbook 2016 Posted 2016/09/22 by Sterling Starting a new sketchbook today. Another tiny red moleskin. I’m going to make a more conscious effort to draw less…
The Red Sketchbook Posted 2014/10/19 by Sterling Lots of interesting drawings in this one. Dated 2006-2007. It documents my move from the US to Canada, the start…
Little Orange Sketchbook Posted 2013/10/25 by Sterling This is a small Moleskine sketchbook only 2.5 x 4 inches. Drawn in Hong Kong, it took just over a…
Another sketchbook takes its place on the shelf Posted 2013/10/03 by Sterling Victory! Another sketchbook takes its place on the shelf. This one took far too long to draw. It was actually…
The Grey Sketchbook: Part 3 Posted 2013/08/19 by Sterling The final third of the book. I would have had posted it sooner had I not misplaced the sketchbook. It…
Crunch time Posted 2012/11/20 by Sterling Sorry for the long posting delay. To say these last three months have been busy would be an understatement. I…