Below is a listing of some of the Animated shorts I made at USC.
Most were produced while I was working on my masters in Animation and digital arts at the University of Southern California, School of Cinema-Telivision, Division of Animation and Digital Arts…Whew what a mouth-full. The one exception is Red Sky Morning which I actually started as an undergrad at USC. I was in the film Production program *cough-cough-very-famous* but towards the end started falling in love with animation. Don’t get me wrong I love live action but I’ll tell you what I hate. I hate permits, paperwork, 3am wake up calls, donuts, bad coffee and having to work till four in the morning because the equipment is rented and you cant afford to shoot another day!
Cub Scouuts Pack 213
We spell scouts S-C-O-U-U-T-S which makes us a completely different autonomous organization.
An improvised comedy about the woes of scouting in the middle of urban Los Angeles.
Improv by Devin Westberg, Tom Warren, Jimmy Zerda, David Ury, Ben Tolpin
Directed, Animated and Produced by Sterling Sheehy -
Red Sky Morning
Never turn your back to the ocean
This is the project that got me into animation. It was entirely hand drawn with wax pencils and paint on cells and took about three years to finish.
Square Cubed
Consciously simplistic, this film shows how the repetition of a single drawing is able to cast the illusion of rhythm and depth when enhanced through the use of camera movement and changes in exposure settings. Made from a single square drawing this film attempts to create compelling imagry out of a symbol as simple and primitive as a square.
An ambient film I made from my USC animation production 2. The requirment was to make a one minute film so I made a 26min one! This was never ment to be watched as a film but rather played as an instalation at a gallery.
I projected this at a lot of LA group art shows where it went over very well.
This is an expiramental motion painting I made while doing my grad work at USC Animation. It is ment to be an ambient work, show at an art gallery.
Limp Buisnes
Some rotoscope animation I did for a band while I was a student at USC. Drawn using ToonBoom Animation.
Written, Directed, Animated and Produced by Sterling Sheehy
Made in collaboration with Daisy Church.
Some pictures of the ‘ol gang
- thats me back in the day
- Daisy Church
- Tom Sito and USC animation class at the WB
- Brian Coffee
- Marc Deckter rocking the super8mm camera out in Joshua Tree
- My Wife and I on graduation day
- Mark Decter