Heart of a Warrior Posted 2017/02/09 by Sterling Made Sabine cookies with the kids today. The wakefield house for a good long time the ending to my Wakefield project featured a flying house then “UP” came out and it was back to the drawing board The Dragon Temple The gold capped dragon temple Buzby color keys color key concepts Space Chimps plants Planet plants Space Chimps Alien Town an alien town Color Keys Space Chimps Color Keys Gate sweeper Han sweeping the city gate House with a strong foundation finding paradise Film Buff frog on the widow sill Space Chimps rover red rover, red rover let alien king come over The Mountain Bandit the mountain bandit looking down on the city of Wu Han design Han, the pour little street sweeper. ice cave city 2 an ice city writhed hornbill zoo animals, Mindanao wrinkled hornbill sterlingSheehy-0059 the king and his puppets sterlingSheehy-0074 the bad guys reclining nude digital study Murder murder in the banana plants mountains mountains photoshop painting 1484 West Sunset Blvd alley 3-8-2003 Woke up one morning to find a rock in the car window. Tree Sculpture A wire and sculpey tree The great dragon The old man “Dragon” from my Dragon project Easter Easter Sunday drawing with Daisy Church at the Huntington Gardens ED's art show I showed up with my camera for a friends art show at USC. nude-woman floating body study SEAL By brother Todd was in a Surf contest so I walked the beach at Morro Strands with my camera and brush self-portrait An old self portrait i made when I was at USC. circa 2001 stillborn a Stillborn calf we found at my family ranch sunset From my Califia project, Amazonians on the beach sunset one of my first digital paintings trimming one of my first digital paintings Todds birthday over looking Santa Barbara website-concept image from my old Bio page inky squares whats in this pipe Moooving Day Moooving Day. On set with Napolean and Fabrice. Vagabonding Fabrice and I on set during the making of Vagabonding. You got to love the shopping cart dolly! USC Animation Daisy Builds a Table Daisy and I building a table for the USC Animation Patio Jeannie Kim Jeannie Kim lending a hand Daisy Church nearly done The peanuts Gang Silas at Snoopy World in Hong Kong minibike me on a mini bike tippsy looks faded smile trying out expressions in zbrush buzby sickness buzby about to lose it Tweets tweet placeholder Hunchback of Notre Dame The trailer drawing bag painted on the canvas cover of my drawing bag HOw to tell a story on a budget Filming on the family farm. That barn would soon get torn down to be our winery. Moooving day players Film nerds warrior oldman Handesign dragon dragon180 dragon174 dragon172 dragon169 dragon168 dragon166 dragon163 dragon161 dragon160 dragon158 dragon156 dragon149 dragon145 dragon143 dragon142 dragon140 dragon137 dragon135 dragon112 twobridges kitechase cave altanmooru DragonCYMKpostersmz sterling_0008 sterling_0015 Han and the old man The Dragon Temple The gold capped dragon temple Cinematographer Mark Decter Dusty Film Crew Graduation Day My Wife and I on graduation day in the dust Marc Deckter rocking the super8mm camera out in Joshua Tree Parking lot Brian Coffee posing Warner Brothers Tom Sito and USC animation class at the WB Adding the legs At Virginia's Blushing Buena vista Building patio furnature Camera man Mark caught in the light Daisy Girls in the kitchen Halloween haunts Jeannie Nuts and bolts Daisy Church On the patio Rocks and dancers Spooky crew Sterling Sheehy thats me back in the day The gang The girls Vickie the art model Waiting for he show Waiting for Nightmare Waiting for the cooks Watchin Harry Potter Yoom Yoriko in the desert Space Chimps new king designs luzians carry the king Fibermesh detail king fur 20121120-052244.jpg The palace of Fine Arts Hong Kong Art studio View from my Hong Kong Art studio, over looking Ma on Shan epson v330 photo.jpg New scanner Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130002 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130003 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130005 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130006 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130007 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130008 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130009 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130010 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130011 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130012 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130013 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130014 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130015 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130016 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130018 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130019 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130020 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130021 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130022 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130023 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130024 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130025 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130026 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130027 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130028 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130029 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130030 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130031 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130033 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130034 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130035 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130036 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130037 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130038 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130039 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130040 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130041 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130042 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130044 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130045 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130046 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130047 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130048 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130049 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130050 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130051 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130052 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130053 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130055 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130056 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130057 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130058 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130059 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130060 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130061 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130062 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130063 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130064 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130065 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130066 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130067 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130068 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130069 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130070 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130071 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130072 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130073 Sterling Sheehy - Story Sketches 20130074 warrior armor gold gold jewelry warrior construction boards storyboard exploration queens ship story notes torture preparing for war california landscapes lost dreamland notes lost California exploring Kalifia elk cannon nude girl broken surf board Hermosa Beach, costa rica head guy Kalifia storyboards island dream Kalifia storyboards prisoner comedy gold banana sidewalk bad alien pets alien exploration random aliens lots of aliens alien park narita airport japan trip bejing drawing old memmories pet kid home going for a walk self portrait in China surf doodle surfing guy notes messy space monkey early space chimp doodles pet kid monkey naken idea tree branch shower girl and weirdness ham tenticle heros in the curl surfing drawing smoking and surfing the glass pipe surfing over the lip spray Haley mills tricks everyone but Jesus parent trap cartoon tree or random thought all over the place thoughts puppets wakefield early gang design first thoughts Corey Jackson drawing in his sketchbook shore break water girl staircase early Aiya smoking robot girl the man chasing Wakefield the man more surf doodles dog house 20131016-172136.jpg Sterling Sheehy Sterling Sheehy Boing boing logo A great site high-noon-malgor MAlgor-in-colorB conceptprep-port049 conceptprep-port088 conceptprep-port089 conceptprep-port092 IMG_1589 wakefield livingroom a boy and his box monster big box box boy box boys box ideas box monster (1) box monster box monsters (1) box monsters box variants boy with lantern evelution Monsters and their boxes monsters more box monsters farm forest paridise bluecity desertnight Elephant_Idol elephantposes for the love of the theater freerunning gang_0000_Layer Comp 1 gang_0001_Layer Comp 2 gang_0002_Layer Comp 3 gang_0003_Layer Comp 4 gang_0004_Layer Comp 5 Keystothejungle loversleep_0000_Layer Comp 1 mountainhigh_0000_Layer Comp 1 mountainhigh_0001_Layer Comp 2 mountainhigh_0002_Layer Comp 3 Scan shadowbox2 westsidejumbo_0000_Layer Comp 1 westsidejumbo_0005_Layer Comp 6 westsidejumbo_0009_Layer Comp 10 westsidejumbo_0010_Layer Comp 11 img_2232.jpg New sketchbook 2016 My new sketchbook img_3717.jpg Merging the holocrons Ezra and Maul search for answers by merging Jedi and sith holocrons Devin is a Villain Super hero school bad guy round up Silas and Wiley Fleet week beach day img_7039 Rudie the Cartographer Rudie drawing a map of the United States Raspberry Pi plugged in and ready to go Red Sketchbook half way point 2017 Half way Sterling Sheehy Let’s draw! Sterling Art Archive Banner Welcome to the Art Archive Sterling Sheehy Art Archive Hat logo This is not a hat Sterling Sheehy's Art Archive Hat logo This is not a hat img_6839-scaled img_6837-rotated-scaled img_6855-rotated-scaled img_6868-rotated-scaled img_6847-scaled img_6869-scaled 57772340904__982a8a86-4dd4-4bf1-87f4-1f4ac849ec0e-scaled img_6844-scaled img_6843-scaled img_6859-scaled img_6873-scaled img_6856-scaled img_6872-scaled img_6852-scaled img_6854-scaled img_8239-rotated-scaled img_8240-scaled img_6852-scaled img_6853-scaled img_6872-scaled img_6872-1-scaled img_6852-1-scaled img_6853-1-scaled img_6857-scaled img_6872-2-scaled img_8240-scaled img_8239-rotated-scaled img_8240-1-scaled img_8239-1-rotated-scaled Officers Tree light through the leaves Ring Mountain en Plein Air As far as I got before they dragged me off the mountain On Ring Mountain looking West towards Mt. Tam painters view my POV Mom's Driveway water-based oil on panel, 8x10in Gum Tree Parking lot 8x10in oil on canvased board Upton Ave oil on panel, 8x10in Office philodendron 9x12in Oil on panel img_3089 Lucasfilm Desk View oil on canvas panel 8x10in Overlooking Terrace Ave 9x12in oil on board Site Size driveway painting Painters view The Old Barn Oil on canvas 12x16in Singularity-logo Singularity from Nano Labs Red Hill Rooftop Sunset Painting 9x12in oil on panel Covid 2020 Lockdown 3ft x 4ft oil on canvas Office Plant oil on panel 9x11inch Blue Gum Morning 9x11in Oil on Panel POV looking west over Alexander Valley Artist’s view Looking West in the Hills Near Lake Elizabeth 9x11in oil on panel Tam from McInnis Park 9x12in oil on panel Misty Ring Mountain Rocks 9x12in oil on panel DaveyJones-scaled sterlingSheehy-0021-1000x533 Wakefield-Head-scriptedfull-1000x612 IMG_2149-scaled wakefield-mist-1000x425 IMG_7809-1000x750 Death-skeleton-devil-costumes-1000x750 zombie-harpoon-heart-1000x750 img_9304-1000x573 img_9356-scaled img_9367-scaled img_9369-scaled img_9373-scaled img_9374-scaled img_9615-scaled img_0871-scaled img_1066-1-scaled Head-over-heals-1000x1000 Lakesketch-scaled apc_0019-scaled img_1310-scaled img_1318-scaled Forbes Latimer 9x12in Oil on Linen Panel Terra Linda Sunset 9x12in Oil on linen panel POV Terra Linda Sunset Artist’sView Quitter Rest in peace Twitter POV Terra Linda Artist View img_0453 muddy trails POV field trip img_7892 img_7892-1-scaled LDAC pond trees 9x12in oil on linen Hellman hollow pov POV img_3412-1 From the Presidio Chapel 9x12in oil on wood panel POV of sunset Sunset view from the statue Sunset at the statue 9x12in oil on wood panel MacArthur Ave Paint Over 9x12in oil on linen panels bye Zeldi 1 Laying in the sky bye Zeldi 2 blocking in the main shapes POV MacArthur Ave painting The final painting Share this:EmailFacebookLinkedInTwitterPinterest